Where is the Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library?
The address is 3541 Park Avenue, Brookfield, Illinois 60513. Our phone number is 708-485-6917. The Library is located at the intersections of Grand Boulevard and Park & Lincoln Avenues in Brookfield.
When is the Library open?
Our hours of operation:
- Monday - Thursday -- 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
- Friday and Saturday -- 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
- Sunday -- 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Closed on Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day)
The Board of Library Trustees has designated the following as official closed days: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Sunday before Memorial Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Sunday before Labor Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve Day.
How can I get a library card?
Any person who resides within the Village of Brookfield will be issued a library card upon application without a fee. Applicants are required to provide proof of residence. Acceptable items of proof are a driver's license or other photo ID. If a photo ID has not been updated with a current address, a current lease, mortgage statement or utility bill can be presented. If the applicant has no proof of address, a postcard can be mailed to the residence and brought to the library as identification. The library card of an applicant under the age of 18 will be issued as soon as a parent or guardian has signed the statement of responsibility and proof of residence has been provided. For more information please read the Circulation Policy.
You can apply for a temporary digital library card by emailing us with your name, address and phone number at [email protected].
What are the loan periods for books, videos, CDs, and other items?
Cardholders may borrow the following materials for the time periods indicated.
- New Movies (DVDs & Blu-rays), - 3 days
- Movies (DVDs & Blu-ray), video games, WiFi hotspots, laptops & tablets - 7 days
- Boxed Sets (TV Series) - 14 days
- Books, magazines, and audio recordings - 21 days
Reference books and the most recently received issue of a periodical are not available for loan. For more information please see the Circulation Policy.
How can I renew an item?
SWAN will automatically renew eligible items. Two days before the item is due you will receive an email notifying you whether or not the title can be renewed. If you need to extend the due date of an item before it renews, please contact the Check Out Desk at 708-485-6917 x 150. See the Circulation Policy for more details.
How can I reserve an item?
Brookfield Library cardholders may reserve all items in the collection. You may ask a librarian to place the hold for you, or you may do so yourself by using the SWAN Catalog. For more information on how to use your SWAN Account, please see our handout.
What are the fines for overdue items?
The Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library is now fine free for most materials!
- Equipment checkouts, such as laptops and hotspots, will be billed at $15 per day.
- Members are still responsible for lost or damaged items.
Can I use my Brookfield Library card at other libraries?
You can use your library card at other public libraries in Illinois as part of the reciprocal borrowing program. Cards from people who reside outside the Village can be used at this library. Brookfield Library cardholders can apply for a separate card from the Chicago Public Library.
Can I get on the Internet at the Library?
The Library offers access to the Internet through a broadband connection. Residents cardholders may get on the Internet without charge. Nonresidents who show a home library card or valid Driver's License or State ID may also access the Internet without charge. Some restrictions apply. See the Computer Use Policy for details.
Can I print at the Library and how much does it cost to print?
Yes, you can print paper using our laser printers and objects using our 3D printer. Printing paper is 10 cents per page (black and white) and 50 cents per page (color). Your first dollar of printing per day is complementary. You can send wireless print jobs from home at the same cost. Just make sure its during operating hours. If you would like to print an object using our 3D printer it costs 25 cents per half hour of printing time. For more info please visit our Technology page.
Can I reserve a meeting room?
Public meeting rooms can be reserved. There is a $15 deposit for non-profit organizations and a $90 fee for for-profit businesses. You can reserve a room right here on our website or by contacting the Check Out Desk at 708-485-6917 x 150.
Is there a notary public at the Library?
The Library has several notaries public on staff. Please call in advance to make sure that a notary is available at the time you need.
Can I register to vote at the Library?
New residents can come to the Library to register to vote. We can take registrations at the Check Out Desk.
How can I request a new book to be purchased?
Patrons may request that items be considered for addition to the Library's collection. Please contact the Reference Department if you have such a request. Refer to the policy on Selection of Materials for more information.
How can I give a gift to the Library?
The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial or to honor named individuals. Visit the Check Out Desk to fill out the form for a gift book. We also welcome cash contributions and gifts of real property, subject to the approval of the library director. Refer to the policy on Gifts to the Library for more information.
The Friends + Foundation gladly accept slightly used books for their book sale. Such donated books may be dropped off at the Library.
How can I volunteer at the Library?
We welcome volunteers throughout the Library. For more information, see our Volunteer Opportunities page.